Summer at Greenway Institute for The Arts!

Summer at Greenway Institute for The Arts!

All About Greenway Institute For The Arts’ Immersive Drama and Play Writing Workshop

During the Spring 2023 semester, after-school program students wrote an original musical script entitled “Haley’s Cove”. Following their spring showcase, students were given live audience feedback on the script.

During the Summer 2023 program, the student writers participated in a 3-week immersive workshop under the guidance of a Drama Teaching Artist and a Dramaturg. The students were able to further develop and improve the musical script for production in the Winter. In the writing workshop, students learned to enhance their musical script through various writing techniques, including dramatic storytelling and play development. Meanwhile, the drama class sought to enhance students acting skills via improvisation exercises, character development, and scene study.

Greenway Institute for the Arts will produce the Winter Musical production of Haley’s Cove in December 2023! Stay tuned.
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