23 Oct 2006
2006 – $230,456 –
Welcome to 2006!
This year, Greenway continued their dedication to the dramatic arts.
Do you remember Permanent Collection, the play detailed in the post about 2005? Wow, you have a great memory! Well, one year later, Greenway Court Theatre’s production of the show became part of the Center Theatre Group season at the Kirk Douglas Theatre.
$160,300 of Greenway’s funds went to the Fairfax High School’s drama program, including after-school drama and film classes and in-school literacy, film, and poetry classes.
Extracurriculars continued to thrive when Close Up put on another life-changing Washington DC trip, with Greenway contributing $4,236 this time.
The Parent Center continued to be a great resource for students and parents alike, and they needed amounts of $46,220 and $12,500 for staffing and supplies respectively.
The campus was shown some love too. A campus-wide beautification project and capital campaign began at Fairfax High School, led by Greenway Arts Alliance and Friends of Fairfax.
The class of 2006 used $4,200 for supplies during their senior year.
Lastly, 2006 was memorialized in a beautiful yearbook, put together with $3,000 in supplies.